Our Financial Bootcamp Seminar is one of the many workshops that Milestone Financial has hosted to inform, educate, and advise on all financial matters particularly budgeting, debt management & cashflow.
Our Financial Bootcamp is designed to educate our guests and make discussing any financial matters more relaxed and engaging for everyone
Milestone’s recent Retirement Seminar was a huge success! The range of topics provided by Aaron and Michael covered ideas and strategies that the audience could practically use heading towards retirement or ways to improve your financial situation if already retired.
Milestone plan to hold its next seminar early on in the new financial year. As always, everyone is welcome and we encourage our existing clients to bring friends and family along as we feel that these information sessions have always been very well received. Keep an eye out for more information our next upcoming seminar!
Milestone Financial Services Pty Ltd
(ABN 68 100 591 508) is an Authorised Representative and Credit Representative of AMP Financial Planning AFSL 232706